Friday 27 April 2012

Analysis of an article from The Metro Herald,14/2 [WK3, SEMESTER2]

Facts and figures are extremely important to news stories as they are the basis or foundation to any trustworthy article, of course depending on the credibility of the source of the statistics.

In this particular article we see that the Government has said they have plans of creating 25,000 jobs by the year 2020.  Firstly, that's a very definite and even number, so it is probably inaccurate on the basis of that alone.

However, one must also consider where this data is coming from and whether or not it's been altered or exaggerated in order to promote a certain set of ideas. Is there an agenda behind the data?
In this case; Is this statement being released in order to keep the people of Ireland happy and to show that the Government are actually taking steps to solve unemployment?

Many times journalists fail to think as critically as they should do and as a result, they publish stories that simply regurgitate what giant corporations or sometimes, the Government want them to. Resulting in an uninformed and none-the-wiser society.

In this case however, journalist Sarah Stack used some initiative in bringing to the light that it may very well be a repackaged old plan, presenting the job ministers conflicting opinion that it was "no big bang solution" to Ireland's problem.

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